Customer support is separated based on your inquiry.
Please contact us at the most appropriate location. If you send an inquiry to wrong location, it could take more time to receive a reply. Any question regarding payment or login, please contact JSKY Services.
To Inquiry to

Please contact us if you have a request, any issue related to video, broken links, and video streaming.
- * Can't download
- * Unable to play videos
- * Your opinion on videos
- * A link is broken.
- * Report a site with Copyright Infringement
Regarding Login and

Please contact here if you have a question regarding Payment, Login, Membership Status, Cancelation, and Return customer,
- * Can't receive any confirmation e-mail
- * Used wrong e-mail address.
- * Can't login
- * I don't know how to cancel
- * Payment error during sign-up
Our customer support team usually reply within 24 hours up to 48 hours. If you don't receive any reply within 3 days, your e-mail may be unreachable. Please contact again using another e-mail address.
JSKY Services, Inc.
Toll free Customer Service hotline: 888-501-6485
Direct Line for Customer Service: 661-705-5039